I am an artist, activist, journalist, sociologist, philosopher and author. While my works always have their own uniqueness to it, I have an overall style of art that is portrays the ideas that I see in the world and universe. Working with multimedia arts allows me to expand my views, and I have thousands of finished pieces. I can't wait to turn my work into exhibitions and to host a gallery, but for now I am trying to connect out to the world showcasing me art. I really think anyone who is at all ecologically philosophical will enjoy my art, and the rest of the work that you can enjoy with it too. Meaningful art provides so much insight as much as it does bring visualization to free the mind. Please message me with what you are interested with and we can get you started with some art pieces! You can also purchase it directly by emailing the full amount ( price & shipping ) to my paypalme, the link is here and you just enter your amount and click send. Thank you for your support.
